Our response to Warhol
I see the paintings as being sacrilege with intent
The emblems modernize Leonardo's painting.
Warhol says something using the emblems without spelling it out.
It looks vintage, like something you buy at a flee market.
Behind money, beauty, and technology there is faith.
59 cents = greed? Judas's ransom? red represents blood? triangle over the 59 represents the trinity?
Dove = vanity? beauty? peace? cleanliness? pink skin color?
GE = technology? light? "the light of the world?" light blue like the sky? Circular like the sun?
Maybe Warhol is saying there is more to Leonardo's Last Supper painting?
Jesus is hidden in everything?
The camouflage represents war, and the tension at the last supper table.
Judas hiding his motives and his identity.
You can see abstract figures in the camouflage.
(click on image to enlarge)
The emblems modernize Leonardo's painting.
Warhol says something using the emblems without spelling it out.
It looks vintage, like something you buy at a flee market.
Behind money, beauty, and technology there is faith.
59 cents = greed? Judas's ransom? red represents blood? triangle over the 59 represents the trinity?
Dove = vanity? beauty? peace? cleanliness? pink skin color?
GE = technology? light? "the light of the world?" light blue like the sky? Circular like the sun?
Maybe Warhol is saying there is more to Leonardo's Last Supper painting?
Jesus is hidden in everything?
The camouflage represents war, and the tension at the last supper table.
Judas hiding his motives and his identity.
You can see abstract figures in the camouflage.
(click on image to enlarge)
I wonder if the patrons and commissioneers of the pre modern era or even religious paintings for churches were mindful of that, y'know Lisa?! I wonder if they were simply just interested in the idea of illustrating Bible passages... It's hard to think that that's all they were interested in but it seems that way quite a lot.
Lisa, i dig that. I was speaking more about Caravaggio's subliminal messages that are not that subliminal, hanging in front of church altars that would abhor the papacy and their compadres.
I see Warhol's images being contrived and manipulative.
What we are doing is much more spontanious. We are not doing anything on purpose.. it is not delibrate... our images are formed by accident by moving all the tracing around.
"...talking about artists inserting their own "subliminal or not so subliminal" meanings via commissions, that patrons weren't aware..."
Yeah Lisa, but this is tricky for me to define and I think it could also be the way that I'm reading the work. I feel that art speaks even that which is unbeknownst to the artist who creates it, so in this sense Caravaggio for instance, could very well be actually painting things about himself that he might not be aware of. But I tend not to think so. His work especially seems to be very thought out. As you pointed out, his models, y'know the lack of halos, dirty feet, all of that seems specific. His sexuality is what appears to be everywhere in his works and that is what I'm pointing at as subliminal to patrons but not for himself. I can't fathom that patrons would overlook it, y'know?!
A interesting quote from Warhol
"If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface: of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There's nothing behind it."
Don't you think Warhol knew that faith is intrinsic? Religion. however, can be contrived, and often is. Was he putting that idea into his work? I don't know-it's like trying to listen to Beatles songs backwards to find the devil.
ask Michaelangelo
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